Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy December!

We've been busy the past few days! The beginning of term 2 means the start of new units. We are in full swing with multiplication. We've been discussing different ways to solve word problems using repeated addition and arrays. Today we played a class favorite called multiplication bump. This game is great practice for our 2's table. 

In writing we have been discussing how to teach a topic across our fingers. Our new unit is an informational unit where students become the experts and teach others. My piece of writing for mini lessons has lots to do with Barcelona-stay tuned for some interesting information about the city!!

Wanted! Lon Po Po

Reward for capturing the wolf! Make sure he can't continue to fool the children. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Save me! I am not a turkey!

This home project has been one of my all time favorites! I am blown away at the creativity and fun everyone had with this. We had all different types of turkey- from Katy Perry, Santa and helpers , sports players, soldiers, and animals! 

Halloween graphing

A third grade unit of study focuses on reading and creating graphs. Students collected data about everyone's favorite type of Halloween candy by bringing in a wrapper. We decided how to categorize our information, create an appropriate scale and read our data!

Food Drive

Thank you for all he VERY generous donations to the food pantry this year. The grade winner will be announced tomorrow. As a class we decided to graph our donations as they came in. It was a very close race between the girls and the boys until the last day. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Noun song

Today we started learning about nouns! We watched this School House Rock song to help us learn what a noun is. How many nouns can you find in this song?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

From Mrs. Stover!

Mrs. Stover has created an animoto video to share with you  about a lesson on an Apache folktale.
"Students listened to some Native American flute on a recording by R. Carlos Nakai and then responded to the music in their music journal by writing, drawing or a combination of both with the instruction to write about or draw the picture that the music paints in your head as you listen." Mrs. Stover

Use the link below to access the music webpage and find the video! Thank you Mrs. Stover!

Mrs. Stover's Third Grade Music Page

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pilgrim activity day

Thank you to all our parent volunteers who helped us prepare for our feast. We made necklaces, belts, pockets, napkins, and placemats to use at Rocky Woods. We hope to see you Friday! 

Busy making necklaces. Our necklaces will represent wampum at Rocky Woods.
We made pockets to put on our belts. Pilgrim men, women, and children would use pockets to keep flint for starting fires and marbles for playing games in their pockets. Our pocket will hold the napkin we use at the feast. 

Did you know that the pilgrims ate mostly with their fingers? It was important for them to have their napkin. We made our napkins with stamping.

Making placemats! It was hard to hard to do all that weaving!
Our last activity was belt braiding. Our belt will be used to hold our pocket! Yes we all learned how to braid!

Spirit day

Go Red Sox! We loved showing our spirit!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pilgrims vs. Wampanoags.

How were the Pilgrims and Wampanoags similar and different? Using an interactive Scholatic tour we compared and contrasted daily life. We learned about the English Village vs. wetu, types of clothing, food, chores, games, and school! 
After using the Scholastic tour we began doing our own comparing and contrasting!


Tomorrow is Red Sox day! Make sure to wear your team spirit!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


we've been working hard on elapsed time! Look at this strategy! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall projects!

Students made a jack o lantern glyph using a key for each part. For example, a straight stem means you love Halloween! Other parts had to do with Halloween favorites.

Mayflower chest

The Pilgrims that sailed on the Mayflower had a long and tough voyage. They couldn't bring much with them. Here is an example of what we might have packed! Lots of people would bring cloths, food, a small toy, and bible.