Thursday, October 24, 2013

From Mrs. Stover!

Mrs. Stover has created an animoto video to share with you  about a lesson on an Apache folktale.
"Students listened to some Native American flute on a recording by R. Carlos Nakai and then responded to the music in their music journal by writing, drawing or a combination of both with the instruction to write about or draw the picture that the music paints in your head as you listen." Mrs. Stover

Use the link below to access the music webpage and find the video! Thank you Mrs. Stover!

Mrs. Stover's Third Grade Music Page

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pilgrim activity day

Thank you to all our parent volunteers who helped us prepare for our feast. We made necklaces, belts, pockets, napkins, and placemats to use at Rocky Woods. We hope to see you Friday! 

Busy making necklaces. Our necklaces will represent wampum at Rocky Woods.
We made pockets to put on our belts. Pilgrim men, women, and children would use pockets to keep flint for starting fires and marbles for playing games in their pockets. Our pocket will hold the napkin we use at the feast. 

Did you know that the pilgrims ate mostly with their fingers? It was important for them to have their napkin. We made our napkins with stamping.

Making placemats! It was hard to hard to do all that weaving!
Our last activity was belt braiding. Our belt will be used to hold our pocket! Yes we all learned how to braid!

Spirit day

Go Red Sox! We loved showing our spirit!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pilgrims vs. Wampanoags.

How were the Pilgrims and Wampanoags similar and different? Using an interactive Scholatic tour we compared and contrasted daily life. We learned about the English Village vs. wetu, types of clothing, food, chores, games, and school! 
After using the Scholastic tour we began doing our own comparing and contrasting!


Tomorrow is Red Sox day! Make sure to wear your team spirit!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


we've been working hard on elapsed time! Look at this strategy! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall projects!

Students made a jack o lantern glyph using a key for each part. For example, a straight stem means you love Halloween! Other parts had to do with Halloween favorites.

Mayflower chest

The Pilgrims that sailed on the Mayflower had a long and tough voyage. They couldn't bring much with them. Here is an example of what we might have packed! Lots of people would bring cloths, food, a small toy, and bible. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pictures from our trip!


Last week we made wetus! A wetu is a house that the Wampanoags live in made of saplings. We decorated a landscape and then added on our mishoon and wetu. There was lots of glue and smiles!

A visit from a Pilgrim!

We loved having Dorothy visit our classroom. She was playing the part of Good Wife Snow! She told us all about her voyage on the Mayflower. Check out some of our favorite memories!

Indoor recess

Indoor recess is a class favorite. There's so much to do!

Welcome :)

And my blogging experience has begun! Every year I try to find new ways to implement effective technology. Blogging has been on my horizon and I am ready to take the plunge. I hope you see this as an effective way to find out what your child is working on in the classroom and find weekly updates from me. I suggest subscribing to the blogger email that will automatically email you when I have updated. My goal is to be as consistent with this as I was with teacherweb. My intention is to have weekly updates however, there are always weeks that are more difficult. Thank you for taking this journey with me! Let the adventure begin!