Homework Expectations

I believe that homework is a valuable and necessary piece to student learning and success. Assignments should never be a surprise to students. Nightly homework will provide further practice and extensions to in class learning. It may consist of spelling, math, memory journals, writing, reading assignments, etc. Fourth graders should be completing their homework by themselves and as I say, "The only one holding the pencil". My hope is for parents to help students establish good routines, study skills, and assist with time management. The transition from 3rd to 4th grade is huge in terms of homework and at home studying. 

Fourth Graders at Dale Street School are expected to have 45 minutes of homework each night in addition to their required 20 minutes of RUSH reading, book project, and studying.  Students are responsible for recording their homework in class each day in their agendas. I will do my best to post the weekly homework schedule on the website.

 Students are expected to bring their assignments in on time and will receive a homework grade on their Dale Street report card. If there is a legitimate reason why homework cannot be completed please communicate the reason to me and send in a note for my consideration. When a homework assignment is missed, students are expected to sign our classroom homework log. Missing homework should be returned the following day. It is also important to note that, it is not the responsibility of the parent to drop off a childs' missing homework. Any homework dropped off will be counted as a missed assignment. At the beginning of a new term, students will start off with 0 missing homework assignments. 

Missed homework: 
2 - warning 
3- letter home requiring parent signature and loss of free time to complete homework 
4+- phone call home and student/teacher determined consequence. 

Dale Street Students are required to read for at least 20 minutes Monday- Thursday. Each night, students are expected to log the title of their reading material and # of pages read on their RUSH calendar. RUSH calendars are due on the first school day of the next month with a parent or guardian signature. RUSH is an important piece to your child becoming an independent and life long reader, we appreciate your support at home!

Monthly Book Project:

Beginning in October, students will be required to read a book of a certain genre each month (see list below) and complete a short book project to share with the class. Students may select a book on their own outside of school or may take advantage of the time given in the library here at Dale in the beginning of each month to search for a book in the assigned genre. This is a great way for students to extend reading comprehension practices used in their reading from school to home. 

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