Sunday, November 24, 2013

Save me! I am not a turkey!

This home project has been one of my all time favorites! I am blown away at the creativity and fun everyone had with this. We had all different types of turkey- from Katy Perry, Santa and helpers , sports players, soldiers, and animals! 

Halloween graphing

A third grade unit of study focuses on reading and creating graphs. Students collected data about everyone's favorite type of Halloween candy by bringing in a wrapper. We decided how to categorize our information, create an appropriate scale and read our data!

Food Drive

Thank you for all he VERY generous donations to the food pantry this year. The grade winner will be announced tomorrow. As a class we decided to graph our donations as they came in. It was a very close race between the girls and the boys until the last day. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Noun song

Today we started learning about nouns! We watched this School House Rock song to help us learn what a noun is. How many nouns can you find in this song?