Friday, February 7, 2014

Sochi Olympic Schedule

You have been assigned an Olympic sport for your February project. Here is the official schedule of events so you can try and watch an event from your sport. Here you will also find the Sochi 2014 medal count. 

Schedule of events

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Check out this perimeter and area game

Click Here


What did you do during your day off? Let us know on Kid Blog! Class updates- we have finished our nonfiction text feature study. To end the unit we made our own books using a time for kids to fit each example. We will be beginning an ELA MCAS unit.

In science we are finishing with Newtons 3 laws. To demonstrate the third law, we made newton mobiles and needed to figure out how we could make the "motor" work. We learned that if we wanted the car to move forward we needed to twist the rubber band in the opposite direction....action=reaction. 

Great job with your cereal boxes! I have loved reading them and learning so much! We had our own cereal box museum where we went around to visit each nonfiction book report. A grading rubric will be sent home soon.